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An Over-analysis of Anniversaries

Well, it’s been a whole year since the start of this podcast. And in the spirit of the show I am celebrating through over-analysis of...

10 Year Challenge - A New Years Message

As we get ready to close out another year, and with it another decade, I’ve noticed an interesting trend that has been going around the...

Late-Onset Blossoming - Trans Women and Periods

So, wait. What do you mean periods for trans girls? Yes, you read the title of the episode correctly. Trans women get periods too. So...

"Gay Christmas" - the History of Halloween and LGBT

In the immortal words of Tim Currey, “Anything can happen on Halloween.” This includes having more freedom to express yourself to the...

Customize Your Cleavage - Breast Forms with Blake

While estrogen can do wonders for a woman’s chest area, it takes a little while for them to work their magic. It can even take a long...

Drag: Community and Identity - A Discussion - Part 1

Vieno: Who wants to start first with telling your experiences with doing drag and how it kind of was the gateway drug to realizing that...

Alternative Transitioning Methods part 1 with Harper

Please join me in welcoming Harper back onto the show. Vieno: So, topic of today is non-medical transitioning. So to start off with,...

Trans Woman's Transition Checklist with Kitana Sanchez

(Originally Aired on 1/26/19) Please be aware that in The Following episode there is reference made to female private Anatomy, listener...

Hormone Talk: Tesosterone

(Originally Aired on 2/2/19) Please note: I am not a medical professional and this information should not be considered medical advice....

Trans Man's Transition Timeline

(originally aired on 1/19/19) So you're thinking about transitioning and you don't know what to do or what to expect or maybe you know...

What is trans anyway

(Originally Aired on 1/12/19) So you've decided to start transitioning, but you don't know what to do. Or maybe you're thinking about...

Don't Fret the Fuzz, Beard Growth for Trans Men

(Originally Aired on 5/11/19) Beards: the fuzzy face accessory that society has deemed the ultimate symbol of manliness. Because of this...

Does this make me look flat? - Binders

(Originally Aired on 7/13/19) Introduction So binding is generally considered to go hand-in-hand with trans-masculine individuals who...

Hair Loss

(Originally Aired on 7/6/19) Hair loss, the bane of the existence of many follicle flaunters, regardless of gender. This of course...

Pore Problems: Acne

(Originally Aired on 7/20/19) Acne is annoying, we can all agree on that. Most of the time we experience it at its worst during puberty....

Stashing the Queen's Jewels - Tucking

(Originally Aired on 8/3/19. Voiced by Blake Alter) Tucking. In the opinion of some trans women it's an unfortunate necessity. For...

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